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Computerware Blog

Computerware has been serving the Vienna area since 1976, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What is the Apple Mercenary Attack, and Why Should You Care?

What is the Apple Mercenary Attack, and Why Should You Care?

Apple rarely sends out alerts about threats, and that is because threats that target Apple devices are somewhat rare in the first place. However, on April 10, 2024, Apple saw fit to send one to certain users in 92 nations by email. These notifications were “designed to inform and assist users who may have been individually targeted by mercenary spyware attacks.” What does this mean, exactly?

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AI Isn’t an Employee Alternative, but a Tool to Assist Users

AI Isn’t an Employee Alternative, but a Tool to Assist Users

The past several years have brought about innovations in artificial intelligence, or AI, that has workers worried for their jobs—especially as it moves into more practical and usable mediums. This can all be tied to the Turing Test, a way of measuring the intelligence of a computer, created by one of the most notable minds behind computing, Alan Turing.

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Basic Errors Have Made Hundreds of Applications a Risk to Data


Earlier this year, it became known that almost 2,000 mobile applications suffered from some type of security threat, thus putting a lot of sensitive data on the line. Let’s examine how you can ensure that your business doesn’t suffer from mobile app security issues.

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Why Quiet Quitting is Counterproductive


Have you heard the term “quiet quitting''?” It’s been going around lately, and it can be a problem if it isn’t addressed. Let’s examine what quiet quitting is, what it means for your business, and what you can do to solve it.

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What the Irish Health Service Disruption Proves About Data Restoration

What the Irish Health Service Disruption Proves About Data Restoration

This past May, Ireland’s Health Service Executive—the organization responsible for providing healthcare and social services to the country’s residents—was successfully targeted by a major ransomware attack. Unfortunately, we are still talking about it now because the entire situation has forced us to acknowledge the aftereffects of such an event.

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7 IT Myths We Hear Too Often

7 IT Myths We Hear Too Often

When you work in the IT space, you get to hear some funny things - technology myths, conspiracies, and other rumors that are shared around the water cooler. We’ve heard it all, and we wanted to share some of these myths so you don’t get tripped up by them.

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Would Anti-Surveillance Technology Prevent NSA Spying, or Weaken National Security?

b2ap3_thumbnail_you_are_being_watched_400.jpgOn Saturday, July 21st 2014, the Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) conference took place in New York City. It's a place where hackers discuss ways to improve the society in which we live. One of the more controversial panelists, Edward Snowden, has suggested hackers pool their efforts into creating anti-surveillance technology to decrease government espionage.

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What is the Future for Net Neutrality?

b2ap3_thumbnail_net_neutrality_no_monopoly_400.jpgThe issue of net neutrality is a hot topic in the United States, but not many people actually know what it is and how it affects their day-to-day routine. This is certainly an important topic that shouldn't be ignored, as it might very well affect all end users.

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3 Green Earth Day Approved Technologies

b2ap3_thumbnail_impossiblygreen400.jpgWhile it is unlikely that you were able to take off work this Earth Day as a paid holiday, you can still celebrate at work by taking steps to make your office a greener place. New technologies are designed to be eco-friendly; by upgrading your office with these three techs, you can help the environment by saving trees and energy.

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Computerware is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...

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