Later this year, Windows 10 will no longer be supported—October 15, if you want to be exact. Are you taking steps to ensure you’re upgrading away from Windows 10? If not, you might want to get on that… and consider upgrading away from Office, while you’re at it, since Microsoft is pulling support for that around the same time, too.
Computerware Blog
If the fact that you can enable Windows to save a list of your most often-used lines of text is news to you, I offer you my sympathies. You’ve missed a lot of potential productivity in the years since Microsoft added clipboard history functionality.
Let’s talk about how you can take advantage of clipboard history, starting with how to enable it.
One of our favorite questions to answer for our clients is, “How do you help us save money?” When you outsource your IT, saving money is one of the big goals, so we thankfully have a full-fledged answer to this question. Today, we will share three of the best ways you’ll save money and resources by working with Computerware for managed IT services.
Google Chrome takes the idea of a bookmark feature further than most other browsers. Instead of simply saving certain web pages for repeated viewing, Google Saved (a feature previously known as Google Collections) gives you a place to keep track of pages you want to return to later. But it’s more than just a simple bookmark; let’s take a closer look at Google Saved and how it works.
This year, we’re making it our goal to help more businesses than ever, and a big part of that is making sure they have the best technology available. If you're not happy with your current phone system, we've got great news. You don’t have to stick with old-school landlines—there’s a better option called Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
You made it! This is the last part in our five-part series. You are just a few short steps away from drastically improving your overall cybersecurity. We wanted to thank you in advance for going through these steps, and if you are finding this article for the first time, be sure to click on #Password Guide at the bottom of this page to see all of the other posts in the series.
Our last three posts have covered how to create strong passwords, how to secure a primary email account for all of your online accounts, and how to set up multi-factor authentication. In this part, we’re going to discuss setting up a password manager and going through the process of documenting all of your accounts into that password manager with all new, extremely secure passwords.
This is part three of a five-part series on managing your passwords. You can view the other published posts by scrolling down and clicking #Password Guide at the bottom of this page.
In this part, we’re going to cover setting up Multi-Factor Authentication to add an extra layer of security to your primary email and your other accounts.
In our last blog post, we covered the importance of having good security hygiene and why passwords need to be strong and unique. We also provided some tips for creating unique, strong passwords that are easier to remember. You’ll be using that method to create a couple of strong passwords, but ultimately, you’ll be using a password manager by the time you finish this 5-part guide.
In part two, we’re going to do some general housekeeping to make sure that all of your important online accounts are tied to a single email address, and we’re going to walk you through the steps to secure that email account.
We tend to focus on business technology, but this time, we wanted to put together a guide that would help, well, everybody! It doesn’t matter how low-tech you are, chances are you still have to manage a handful of online accounts and passwords.
As it turns out, there really isn’t a big difference between protecting yourself as an employee working in an office compared to protecting yourself as an individual. Everyone needs to have strong cybersecurity habits because the entire world has built itself around going digital. Like it or not, this is how it is.
The goal of this guide is to walk you through some steps that will make maintaining your security and protecting your identity so much easier. It will take some time and effort at first, but once everything is set up and working, staying safe will become a much easier process.
We encourage you to share this article with everyone you can, from students to those enjoying their retirement. We all have friends and family who scrawl their passwords on a loose ream of paper, or who might even have worse habits that they think are perfectly healthy but are putting them at risk. This guide might help them reduce the risk of expensive, frustrating problems.
If someone sent you this link, hello! Nice to meet you! We hope you find this guide useful, and we’d love to get feedback from you if you have any!
We wanted to switch things up for today’s article and try writing a daytime soap opera instead of our usual blog. Please feel free to read the following with dramatic string music in the background and all dialogue as whispered, bellowed, or forced through clenched teeth by a cast of longstanding characters.
The populace of quiet Oak Falls… so many simply trying to make an honest living, doing their best just to exist. Unfortunately, even the size of this peaceful little coastal town isn’t enough to keep out modern threats, making many of Oak Falls’ residents… The Innocent Targets.
Technology is one of the key enablers of automation for businesses, so it makes sense that it would eventually creep into email. Automated emails have the power to contribute to more streamlined operations when used well, but they are far from flawless. Today, we want to get you thinking about the pros and cons of automated email as it pertains to running your business.
It’s harder than ever to keep your data safe these days. Everyone needs to be careful online, but the constant security steps can feel exhausting when you’re spending hours on a computer every week. Unfortunately, this is the new normal. If you don’t stay on top of your cybersecurity, it can be really hard to keep your business’ tech safe.
Tape backup used to be the go-to backup solution for businesses, but it’s since lost its luster in favor of digital backup solutions. You might still find some uses for it, if you find a good enough excuse. Today, we want to examine why you might still use tape backup, even though a Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution far outshines it.
Each new year is an opportunity to reflect on what your business has gotten right and what it needs to improve. Your technology is one of those parts of a business where there’s always some room for improvement. If new IT solutions are on the docket for the upcoming year, here are four questions you can ask to make any new implementation successful.
Most people are familiar with Santa Claus, the jolly gift-giver who delivers presents to all the children who have kept the Christmas spirit in their hearts all year. Lately, many people have also become aware of Krampus, Santa’s dark shadow who—as the legend goes—takes a similar trip to visit the naughty children and turn the worst into a midnight snack.
However, one has to wonder: what about all the adults who might also be naughty?
People interact with more organizations and companies online today than ever before. Many of these organizations collect personal information to help them improve their operations or to build an outside revenue stream. These business-first initiatives can put individual data at risk. Today, we’ll discuss what you need to know about data privacy.