All businesses have one key vulnerability that cybersecurity threats exploit: their employees. Your business has this vulnerability, too, even if you haven’t considered it. Just like any vulnerability, however, there is a patch, and it comes in the form of education. With an appropriate knowledge base, your team can effectively become a human firewall against any potential threat.
Computerware Blog
Many business owners struggle with technology that doesn’t meet their needs. We often hear from companies disappointed with their technology investments because they lack the right tools.
Choosing the right technology is vital for business success. In today’s blog, we offer four key tips to help you make informed decisions.
Mobile malware might not have a lot of attention on it, but it can be a significant problem for organizations that rely on smartphones. This goes double for small businesses that typically don’t have the large teams and big budgets for their mobile strategies that include devices, data and phone plans, and security controls. Today, we’ll look at mobile malware and how an organization with a limited budget can keep it from impacting its business.
Businesses today need to worry about people outside their business trying to break into their network and steal their data. Unfortunately, that’s not the only direction that theft can come from. In this week’s blog, we’ll take a look at the types of technology theft you need to be aware of inside of your company and what you can do about it.
We all share a lot of data. There’s everything shared for professional purposes, of course, but there’s also all the casual things that we send back and forth—chats, requests to have people to pick up things on the way home, and (naturally) memes and pet pictures.
Most of this is sent off without a thought. However, let’s take a moment to think about it for a moment… is there an impact to all this data being sent around?
Businesses deal with all types of problems, and some of them are really serious. Some situations aren’t even problems…yet. When risk is all around you, how can you know when enough is just enough? In today’s blog, we will provide you with some answers to how to flip potential problems into opportunities using technology.
Technology plays a crucial role regardless of a company’s size or growth stage. Therefore, having an IT infrastructure that can adapt to changes in business scale is essential.
Let's discuss the significance of a suitable IT infrastructure and explore best practices for tailoring it to fit your business needs.
We cover data backup and disaster recovery quite a bit, and you might be familiar with some of the terms and strategies we discuss. Today, we’re taking a deeper dive into the 3-2-1 rule and its crucial role in your business’ disaster recovery plan. Let's explore how the 3-2-1 rule can strengthen or weaken your data infrastructure.
There is an almost comical laundry list of problems that all businesses should be prepared for, but what’s not funny whatsoever is what happens when you fail to do so. The term “BDR” is often used as an umbrella term to describe what kind of preparation your organization needs, and today, we want to dive into some of the details that you should know.
Whether you like it or not, change comes for us all—particularly for businesses. Any organization that hopes to see any significant growth or innovation will be subject to change. Your organization should be capable of working with change, and when it comes to factors that can influence how well you adapt to change, there is no greater tool than your company’s IT.
How often do you struggle to talk about potential issues your business faces when you reach out to IT for help? Conversing with technicians can be especially challenging when you don’t necessarily understand the problem yourself, either. Thankfully, we have some tips to help you lead more productive conversations with your IT staff or managed service provider.
If there’s one part of any organization’s operational expenses that concerns many business owners, it’s IT expenses. In fact, some companies have so little control over their IT expenses that they practically hemorrhage money, leading to limited capacity for growth and investment in other parts of the organization that desperately need the help. How can you fix your IT spending and improve your organization as a whole?
It all starts with a network audit and some intelligent future planning. Let’s review some of the most important work you can do to help your business better budget for IT expenses.
Today, we encounter situations in business where digital communication is preferred by many people, and as a result, the use of smartphones to conduct business has become more common. With this shift in the way people do business, there are several considerations that the modern worker has to navigate to properly use smartphones to their advantage. Let’s take a look at a few in today’s blog.
Have you ever tried to introduce new technology to your team, only to have your efforts at improving your business’ efficiency bounce off of your apathetic and frustrated employees who just don’t see the benefits? You’re not alone; it’s difficult to teach old dogs new tricks, as they say. Granted, it’s not impossible, and your team can (and should) be able to get on board with any new implementations, provided you do some initial legwork.
Your business runs on its data, and as such, you need a sound strategy for sharing files and other important information to ensure collaboration goes off without a hitch. You must also do all of this while protecting your sensitive data. What are some best practices that SMBs can utilize for file sharing? Let’s go over them.
We like to espouse the value of a trained and engaged remote workforce, but there is a lot that goes into ensuring that your remote team has the tools and resources they need to be successful. Let’s discuss some of the ways your business can build a remote workforce and company culture that not only encourages remote employees, but helps them thrive as well.