Technology is one of the key enablers of automation for businesses, so it makes sense that it would eventually creep into email. Automated emails have the power to contribute to more streamlined operations when used well, but they are far from flawless. Today, we want to get you thinking about the pros and cons of automated email as it pertains to running your business.
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Data informs decision making, and your business creates countless data throughout the course of its operations. However, metadata—or data about data—offers a unique opportunity to businesses that understand how it works, particularly in the realm of business intelligence (BI) or business analytics (BA). Let’s discuss the importance of metadata and what your company can glean from it.
Customer relationship management software, or CRM tools, are not just for use by large corporations with a large workforce. They can be used by small businesses, too, and there are several benefits for an SMB to use one. Here are some of the many benefits you can expect to receive from using a CRM for your organization.
“It’s as if a thousand stores cried out in terror.” This was the case February when RadioShack filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and announced plans to sell between 1,500 and 2,400 of its stores. For anybody with an affinity for technology, this announcement is sad news. Let’s honor the passing of an American institution by taking a look back at the Shack.
As a business owner, you know that the key to the path of your success is in the relationships that you forge along the way. These same relationships can be just the boost you need to get the edge on your competitors and knock them out of the game. It all comes down to your communication with the your surrounding community.
One California restaurant owner has recently taken on an interesting marketing strategy that goes against all conventional wisdom. Co-owner David Cerretini of the Italian restaurant Botto Bistro tells his strategy to USA Today, "I want to be the worst restaurant in the San Francisco area!" Strangely enough, his approach seems to be working.
At this point, mobile technology use is more than just another trend; it's ingrained into almost every facet of our culture. In fact, the majority of adults in the United States not only carry cell phones, but 56% of all American adults carry smartphones. If you haven't tapped into the potential of mobile marketing, your company is missing out!
The value of advertising your business on the Internet has been rising, and it's certainly not going to decrease anytime soon. As a business owner, you have to allow yourself to be found by potential customers. Most customers are searching Google for products and services to invest in. Now, with a Google Places account, you can meet them there.
What is the difference between a guarantee and a warranty? A warranty is usually limited by a specified time in which a piece of equipment should operate effectively and anything beyond that is up in the air. Unlike a guarantee, warranty claims are usually embedded into the margin of said equipment. Companies look at the cost of production vs. projected fail rates and their given time periods (if any) and place the warranty timeline right in the sweet spot where said item doesn't normally fail; and if it does, the margin covers it.
We are currently in the middle of a mobile revolution. Much of the computing that was only possible from static locations only a short time ago, can now be done on the move with the development of mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. A study that was conducted by Pew Research suggests that nearly half of American adults now own a smartphone; and tablet owners have seen substantial growth, as 1.2 billion units are projected to be shipped in 2013 alone.
Social Media can be likened to vampires in the media. Both are loved by teenage girls, and like vampire characters, it seems like there are now too many social medias to keep track of. Just like you don't have to read Twilight to know that it's lame, it's also unnecessary to have your business involved with every social media out there. Although, there are several social media sites that can be utilized as part of a valuable marketing strategy.
Registering for a domain name is an easy procedure: Pick your name, and register for it at a domain registrar. You then pay for everything and begin the adventure of building a website. Perhaps registration is too easy; because many businesses have their websites registered incorrectly, and may not realize it until years later.
Speaking to a crowd, especially one comprised of your peers or potential clients, is a nerve wracking experience. All too often, a speaker will put all his/her effort into a PowerPoint with graphics worthy of James Cameron or distracting animations that spin, sparkle, and pop. As the speaker, you're the focus. Here's a few tips to keep your audience captivated: